Genuine Bronze Sport Rugby World Cup Australian Player Sculpture Statue

SKU: YRD-1054

Condition: This sculpture is in a very good condition.
Bronze Dimensions with Marble Base: Height 14.5" x Width 9"
Marble Dimensions: 9" X 4.5".
Height without base: 13.5"
Weight : 12 LBS
Inventory; 54Y10545445

Original or Reproduction: Original

A muscular Rugby player runs for the end field, trying to skip the yards and avoid being tackled. His powerful legs ache as he sprints and dodges. He Kicking the ball under his protectively. Every once in a while he glances over his shoulder to see how close his opponents are. He eyes the white touch down line. He can hear another player barreling down on him. He glances to his teammate and prepares to hand the ball over, sacrificing himself for the win. 100% bronze and handmade, this brown patina sculpture was cast using the "Lost Wax Method" and mounted on a black marble base.